Building a relationship by adding value to them.

Building a relationship by adding value to them. 2

Building relationship with others | Building a relationship | Building healthy relationships | Building better relationships | Building positive relationships.

I and my friend were having a conversation the other night about some relationship stuff. How to build a successful relationship? How to add value to a relationship? How to help each other grow? Is it worth it or not? So we came across some of many amazing points.

Isn’t it funny that whenever we think of a relationship, our sudden focus goes to the romantic relationship and not the relationship that we have with our parents, friends, or colleagues at the workplace? We are so intrigued by the fact of romantic relationships that a person who is a bachelor or single for a long time is known to be a nerd and not so cool. This perception has to be changed and washed out through people’s minds.

Building a relationship by adding value to them. 3
Building relationship with others | Building a relationship | Building healthy relationships | Building better relationships | Building positive relationships.

I have read multiple books on growing attitude and character. I have mentioned all the best books here: Recommended books by sudarshan purohit. I am sure it will help you a lot in becoming a better (more happy and successful) individual.

Let us discuss some of the points that are helpful in building any kind of relationship.

1. Trust

Trust is the vital thing that has to be there in a relationship to be successful. If we talk about friendships, there must be trust. If we talk about the relationship with your partner there must be trust. If we talk about your relationship with your boss, there must be trust that you will provide the work before the deadline. “He who does not trust enough will not be trusted.”

2. Commitment

“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes but no plans.” To make a relationship grow you have to gain trust and for trust, you need to trust the other person and make commitments to them. Be true to them and yourself.

Building a relationship by adding value to them. 4
Building relationship with others | Building a relationship | Building healthy relationships | Building better relationships | Building positive relationships.

3. Loyalty

Your loyalty shows how much a relationship means to you. It reveals your character. Stay true and do not make false promises and commitments.

4. Understanding

There should be a high level of understanding between two people to have a long-lasting relationship. I have seen people fight over some kiddish issues

just because they don’t understand each other well. Other people should understand your space and your priorities. You must give each other space to grow better by understanding properly.

5. Communicate.

Communication is the key. Communicate about issues you are having. Communicate well about the workload you have. Saying, “I don’t have the energy to talk today” is much better than not saying anything at all. It will keep you connected. If the relationship means to you, you will make time for it anyhow.

Building a relationship by adding value to them. 5
Building relationship with others | Building a relationship | Building healthy relationships | Building better relationships | Building positive relationships.

If we talk about romantic relationships which are usually complicated to handle.

First ask yourself, Do you really want that relationship? Teenagers these days counter in a relationship due to peer pressures and to look cool in their schools. Due to this many of them ignore the goals they set for themselves. The goal of the relationship is not only intimacy but growth.

Whenever we have a relationship. We look for what we are getting and not what to offer. This mindset has to be changed as well.

Here are some ways to keep your relationship alive and make it stronger by day.

1. Make sure to meet on a regular basis

Constant interaction is very important to keep the relationship alive. Go for dinner, coffee, lunch together. Go to see the art at the museum. Spending quality time together will help you know each other well and this will elevate your understanding of each other.

2. Pick an activity and do it together.

Know what you like and what they like. Say, you like painting. So go to attend painting workshops together. If they like cooking, join cookery classes together. Do it for their happiness. This shows that you care about their hobbies and you encourage them for whatever they like. To be honest, most people feel more secure when they that their partner does not judge them for what they like instead they encourage. Make them feel secure.

3. Share your secrets and interests.

Sharing your deep secrets without the fear of being judged will make them comfortable about their insecurities. As we say, “If you do not trust them, why

do you expect them to trust you?” Share what you like about yourself and what makes you feel insecure. This will bring clarity to your relationship.

Building relationship with others | Building a relationship | Building healthy relationships | Building better relationships | Building positive relationships.

4. Be a good listener.

Listen to them for being listened to. If you do not give importance to what the other one is saying, you cant expect them to listen to you. When they are telling you their problem, you are not supposed to tell your story. Be a good listener. Help them solve their situation. Work together on the problem. By listening to them will clear the perceptions and will avoid future hostility and fight.

5. Be grateful for each other.

Be grateful for what you have. Pay attention to what the qualities are in them instead of cussing over the things they are not good at. We are humans and therefore we are not perfect. Understand each other.

6. Take positive criticism.

If they tell you about something that will improve your mindset or you, take that positively. We have seen people fighting over issues like “You did not appreciate me for this.” which is not great.

7. Be okay if the relationship does not work out.

I have seen people who go crazy after a breakup. They talk badly about their partners in front of others, which is unethical. It is okay if the relationship does not work out. At least you have a list of great restaurants in the city if nothing. We all have different needs which might not get fulfilled by that particular person. You do not have to force yourself or the other if you are not happy in that relationship.

Building relationship with others | Building a relationship | Building healthy relationships | Building better relationships | Building positive relationships.
Building relationship with others | Building a relationship | Building healthy relationships | Building better relationships | Building positive relationships.

So, these were some of the many points which I think are most important. You can read more blogs here. Thank you for reading!

I have a YouTube Channel also and you can subscribe to it through

To develop a good attitude in yourself you can read one famous book by John Maxwell “winning with people” you can buy that book at winning with people.

Leadership Qualities of Narendra Modi 5
You can read this book also to grow your attitude and character. Click on the image to buy.

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