Recommended Books

Recommended Books – Growing Attitude :

I have read a lot of books on growing attitude and all of them helped me in controlling my emotions. The Best ones among them are as following:

  1. Winning with people – This I would consider the best among all. John Maxwell has described 25 different attitudes in such an easy manner that we can start applying them in our daily lives. You can buy this book by clicking the below image:
Recommended Books 1

2. Failing Forward: We all fear failures and this book will help you overcome them. I have read this many times and was able to control my fears of failure. You can buy this book by clicking the image below:

Recommended Books 2

3. Self Discipline in 10 days: Self-Discipline is something which we all struggle with. This book is wonderful. It had helped me a lot to understand the problem which we generally face when we try to become self-disciplined. Click the image below to buy.

Recommended Books 3

4. The Consumer Mind: This is a marketing book but it had helped me in knowing myself better. What is happiness and how I can achieve that? Click the image below to buy it:

Recommended Books 4

5. Magic of Thinking Big: Most of the time we think very small and keep a very small target. “Higher the targets and higher will be the result” you will learn this from this book. Click the below image to buy :

Recommended Books 5

Recommended Books – For running a successful business :

  1. Leadership pipeline: This is the best business book that I had read. As a business owner, we must know the qualities required to become manager, sr. Manager, VP, and CXO. This book has mentioned the time and works for all the different levels in the organization. This will help you to select the right individual for a different positions and you can train your people in a proper way. This will help in growing the organization’s leadership. You can buy this book by clicking the link below.
Recommended Books 6

2. 5 levels of leadership: As a business owners, we all are very confused in which way we must lead our team whether we must be strict or we must be friendly. This book will resolve all your queries towards the proper way to lead people and build leadership in an organization. Click the link below to order it:

Recommended Books 7

3. E-myth Revisited: This book helps us to make a proper way to run an organization. As we have seen that many small businesses have grown big like mc-Donalds, pizza hut, etc and this book explains to us how to scale linear businesses. It is a must-read book for all entrepreneurs. You can order the book by clicking the link below:

Recommended Books 8

4. All one-minute manager books: There are many one-minute manager books. I have given the links for all the books below:

Recommended Books 9
Recommended Books 10
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5. The balanced scorecard: This book gives a detailed understanding of what is the most and least important thing in an organization and how to handle them. It is tough to read but a very useful book to understand a complete organization chart. Click the link below to buy it.

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Recommended Books – For spiritual growth :

  1. Autobiography of a yogi: This is a life-changing book. Many great individuals like steve jobs, Virat Kohli, Sachin Tendulkar, etc has recommended this book. After I read it I became a Paramhansa Yogananda follower and that made me start this better world. This is a must-read book. Click the link below to buy.
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2. Be here now: This book is of a different level only. This book describes what all happen when one grows his/her consciousness. This book in by the follower of neem Karoli baba who has given life direction to the greats like steve jobs and Mark Zuckerburg.

Recommended Books 17

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Photo Credit: Photo by Luriko Yamaguchi from Pexels