How to stay committed to your goals?

How to stay committed | How to stay committed to your goals | How to stay committed to a goal | How to stay committed to something | Staying committed to goals.

How to stay committed | How to stay committed to your goals | How to stay committed to a goal | How to stay committed to something | Staying committed to goals.

Do you also find it difficult to stay committed to what you say? If yes, let me help you build an attitude of never underestimating commitments.

What is the commitment? Commitment can be a fixed goal like a project deadline at the office, finishing a book, paying taxes on time, being punctual et Cetra.

Why do we have to commit? “Commitment is an act, not a word”, says Jean-Paul Sarte.

We usually commit to making other people believe what we say. If you want a job so badly, you will commit to your boss about a project and if you stick to what you commit is a major plus for you to become a great employee. Without commitment, you can not have depth in anything. Whether it is a relationship, a business, or a hobby.


How to stay committed | How to stay committed to your goals | How to stay committed to a goal | How to stay committed to something | Staying committed to goals.

I have read multiple books on growing attitude and character. I have mentioned all the best books here: Recommended books by sudarshan purohit. I am sure it will help you a lot in becoming a better (more happy and successful) individual.

Your attitude towards your commitment is the reflection of your strength. It defines your behavior and respect towards the thing you commit for. Let us discuss ways to commit and make it stick.

1.  Make conscious commitments.

Be aware of what you are committing to. Sometimes we make sudden commitments before thinking twice just to save a relationship or escape a fight. Many times people commit just to avoid the situation they find themselves in. This is a very wrong approach to committing. As the way you stick to it is going to be a mirror reflection of your personality, you should be careful about this. Be conscious and make wise decisions. Never commit in situations of heat.

2.  Do not just say, Do!

People usually say a lot and blabbering is very easy. Show them the results. Who are you is not what you say, but how you behave. People get bored of hearing stories, they want to see scenes so just focus on your actions.

“Anyone can dabble, but once you have made that commitment, your blood has that particular thing in it, and it is very hard for people to stop you,”– Bill Cosby

3.  Balance expectations.

Be very clear about your commitments. Make sure you do not deliver the wrong intention. They might get mistaken and might lead to greater expectations from the front presence which can create a problem in the relationship further. “Stay committed to your decisions but flexible in your approach.”- Tony Robbins says.

4.  Regularly evaluate your commitments.

Make sure you remember what you commit. Maintain a log of the things you have committed to do and make sure you visit them on a daily basis so that you do not miss any of the commitments.

5.  Make people know what you are committing to.

Declaring your commitments to others makes it more natural to stay on track. Your subliminal mind will always notify you about it because if you have announced something, it would be an outrage if you do not stick to it. They will get a chance to question your ethics.

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How to stay committed | How to stay committed to your goals | How to stay committed to a goal | How to stay committed to something | Staying committed to goals.

“Motivation is what gets you started, commitments are what keeps you going” – Jim Rohn

You need the motivation to get started with something and when you commit, you keep going to complete the task for the sake of your self-respect and personality. Commitment is the foundation of great accomplishments.

What is the need to make commitments?

Unless a commitment is made there are only promises and hopes, but no plans. If you do not commit to something, there is no trust, there is just chaos and uncertainty. The other person has no reason to stick to you. Be it in an office relation or relationships of your daily life. The real value of setting a goal and committing to it is not the honor or reward, It is the person we become by finding obedience, courage, and commitment to achieve them. This can help you build better relationships with people and will help you make splashes.

Commitment is the glue that binds you with your goal. After committing to making a commitment it is your hard work that gets you where you want to be. Have you heard of the phrase, “You get what you pay for.”? This works here as well. Your results depend on how substantial commitment you are giving.

“The only limit to your impact is your imagination and commitment.” – Anthony Robbins

 Your impact on others is directly proportional to how firm you are when it comes to sticking to your commitments. When you are committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results. Circumstances do not define your actions when you are committed.

How to stay committed | How to stay committed to your goals | How to stay committed to a goal | How to stay committed to something | Staying committed to goals.

How to stay committed | How to stay committed to your goals | How to stay committed to a goal | How to stay committed to something | Staying committed to goals.

How do commitments help in our success?

“Commitment unlocks the doors of imagination, allows vision, and gives us the right stuff to turn our dream into reality.”– James Womack

It helps you grind yourself whatever may be the situation. It becomes part of your daily chore to grind for what you commit. This broadens your way, opens your mind, and helps you make the impossible, possible.

What is the importance of commitments in a relationship?

Sinclair B. Ferguson says, “Love is not maximum emotion. Love is maximum commitment.” If you have committed to staying together forever, you have to. If you have committed to caring for each other, you have to. And in love, this “have to” should be “want to”. A relationship becomes fragile when you have to do things to make another person happy rather than wishing to make them happier.

To say that one waits a lifetime for his soulmate to come around is a paradox. People eventually get sick of waiting, take a chance on someone, and by the art of commitment become soulmates, which takes a lifetime to perfect. This amazing phrase is said by Criss Jami, Venus in Arms

How to Build Strong Relationships?

How can commitments help in shaping your attitude?

  1. It helps in the building of willpower, to stay committed to a schedule to do something over the long term.
  2. It makes you a hustler. It pushes you to do more and getting out of your comfort zone. And hence to get to the place you want to be at.
  3. You start to value other person’s time and commitments.
  4. It makes you strong. It helps you build self-esteem. We must get committed to our promises to ourselves and committing making others ers.
  5. You bring in the attitude of not giving up. Commitment is the enemy of resistance, you get up no matter how many times you get knocked down.

Let us end this here with a great quote by Paul Bailey. He says, “Don,t lose sight of your goals and commitment. The road to success can be long and hard, but it will all be worth it in the end.”

How to stay committed to your goals? 1

How to stay committed | How to stay committed to your goals | How to stay committed to a goal | How to stay committed to something | Staying committed to goals.

Thank you for reading! Hope it helped. See you in the next blog. 🙂

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To develop a good attitude in yourself you can read one famous book by John Maxwell “winning with people” you can buy that book at winning with people.

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You can read this book also to grow your attitude and character. Click on the image to buy.

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