5 simple ways to handle negative people around you.

learn to handle negative people

Handle negative people with these 5 simple tricks

We all must have encountered negative thinking people who find fault in each and everything because research says that 1 out of 4 individuals are negative.

Handle negative people with these 5 simple tricks
How to handle negative people

Now negative thinking is not at all good for health as negative energy has a lot of side effects on our health.

Negative thinking also generates fear in an individual and because of the fear either a person doesn’t take any step or if he takes he will do it halfheartedly and that impacts the result. Negative thinking people make other people negative and by that their relationship with other individual get affected. Negative thinking people are also not able to enjoy all the fun activities fully because of their very nature of thinking negatively about all the activities. As negative people can harm us so we must know how to handle them properly. Here are the ways of handling them:

1. First thing is don’t take it personally. When a person is negative they try to say negative things about our attitude and character so don’t give importance to them for a short duration they are full of negative thoughts and they will be fine after some time so don’t take it personally. We must try to say a positive statement about ourselves whenever a negative person is criticizing us. It’s not what others say about us it what we believe about ourselves.

How to handle negative people

2. Many a time people become negative because of the past negative thing which had happened to them.  When a similar situation arises then they would react negatively.

For example, let say someone had losses in the business in the past most probably they will react negatively if you would talk to them about business. So when we try to find the past experience which is making the person negative then we will approach the person with greater compassion.

How to handle negative people

3. Negative people react negatively to negative situations. So let say you are with a person who reacts negatively then at that time we have to stay positive because if we will also become negative then the situation will be worse. We have to remind to our self that it’s not the action it’s the response that makes the difference. So in a situation, if another person is getting negative if we want to handle that person then we have to think that it’s not the action it’s my response that will make the difference.

Let say on a trip with your friends at the last minute your bookings got canceled and let say your friend is a negative individual then he will start spreading negative energy we have to make sure that we are positive and not impacted by the friend who has become negative by thinking that it is not the action its response which makes the difference.

How to avoid an argument with your spouse
How to handle negative people

4. We must not react negatively to the person who is behaving negatively. If we will also behave negatively then the situation will become worse. We need 2 hands to make a sound by a clap so we must not go to their negative energy level because that will create the situation even worse.

5 simple ways to handle negative people around you. 1
How to handle negative people

5. If we are positive and have a very positive self-image then we will be able to handle negative people very well and we might be able to help negative people by saying a positive statement. By saying positive statements their thought process might change from a negative direction to a positive direction. This is difficult but if we are positive and have a positive self-image then it’s worth trying. 

Now, what if we are the person who becomes negative very easily? Now we must work on growing our self and that work must not be temporary like whenever we get angry we watch a movie or take a walk or get involved in other fun activities because this is just a temporary fix we must get a permanent fix which is having control on our mind that whenever we are trying to think negative we can stop thinking in that direction and shift our thought process to the positive direction.

learn to handle negative people

If you want to learn more about this then you can read the book winning with people by John Maxwell. Here is the link where you can purchase Winning with people 

After reading how to handle negative people you can also read: https://sudarshanpurohit.com/how-to-develop-positive-thinking/

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