how to remain tension free or how to remain stress free


We all have different types of prompts that put us under stress, but it also has different types of reactions, some of us get anxious, some shut down, and many get angry. These types of stress affect our surroundings but we deny the fact that this could create a mental disorder. While living a stressful life creates many types of obstructing and minimizes the ability to live a healthy and happy life.

To do well in every part of our life it is important to remain fit physically but it is equally important to remain mentally fit at the same time. Mental fitness refers to being in a sound and healthy state psychologically at any given instance and not being in this state may cause immense abnormalities in your daily routine which will bring suffering to you through direct or indirect channels.

We come across several medical reports suggesting several ways of remaining free from psychological pressure and remaining tension-free. In the modern era, mankind has soared to new heights in terms of development in numerous domains, but as it soared to the summits, it saw rising levels of psychological pressure among its masses which indirectly will cause a major setback to the progress it has been making since several years.

To remain tension-free is one of the most crucial requirements of the modern human being because mental fitness determines almost all of the outcomes of the actions that we perform daily. A person who is unable to attain the mental fitness of a certain level is likely to be struggling with basic jobs of every day in our lives.

The fact that mental fitness is directly related to your performance can be verified by several credible reports published throughout years of medical research and advancement. In this article, we present to you how a common individual can remain tension-free daily so that the performance of the person is unaffected by the negative stimulus.

Causes of overthinking
how to remain tension free or how to remain stress free or how to remain cool

While you were stressed you may fall sick more often short-tempered and irritated too. Our day-to-day hectic schedule and ample responsibility had put into this situation and it’s important to know how to eliminate this stressful condition. Meditation could decrease the volume of stress, coddle in physical activities can get out of it.

Let’s first understand how do we get stressed or get tension.

Whenever we think only about problems then we get tension or stress. For example, let say we lost some money. Now when we think only about problems like I have lost money now what will happen, whether I will be able to do what I wanted to do or not, whether I will be able to purchase what I wanted or not? If we will think about all the problems which this current problem will lead to then we will get tension or stress

Whenever we think about all the bad actions that happened to us then we get tension or stress. For example, let say someone spoke to us harshly. Now if we think that how can he speak harshly to me or Does this person has a negative image about me then we will get tension or stress.

Whenever we are in a bad situation then also we get tension or stress. Like, let say we missed our flight. Now as we are in a bad situation we will get tension or stress.

Whenever we think bad about someone else then also we get tension or stress. For example, my colleague is not good. He does not behave properly with me. He always teases me. I will slap him next time. All these negative thoughts about someone else will give us tension or stress.

How to remain tension free or how to remain stress free
how to remain tension free or how to remain stress free or how to remain cool

Now tension free life or stress free life would mean that either these situations do not arise in life or if it does then we will be able to handle it positively.

I have read multiple books on growing attitude and character. I have mentioned all the best books here: Recommended books by sudarshan purohit. I am sure it will help you a lot in becoming a better (more happy and successful) individual.

Now we don’t have any control over others we can only control ourselves. So mostly we would have to learn about how to handle these situations positively.

Now the question is how to remain tension free or how to remain stress free? There are many ways but I have mentioned the most useful ones: –

Now each individual is made up of 3 elements: body, mind, and soul. I have mentioned tips to remain stress-free through all 3 elements body, mind, and soul:

How to remain tension free or how to remain stress free through energizing body:

how to remain tension free or how to remain stress free
how to remain tension free or how to remain stress free or how to remain cool
  • Arise early:

As we all grown up by listening to this “EARLY TO BED AND EARLY TO RISE MAKES A PERSON HEALTHY WEALTHY AND WISE”. So, make a strict schedule when to go to bed and when to wake up. Wake up early is not only better for your body but also enhances mental health. We feel fresher when we wake up early in the morning. It feels like days are longer and you have more time to complete your tasks. Your body will feel full of energy.

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  • Take a break and take a deep breath:

Cool and calm your mind. While doing work many stresses arises so you should be calm and composed, take a break or deep breath, and start doing work. Recall taking a break for yourself, in this you can stay calm, focused, and feel better. Whenever we get stress or tension the oxygen content in the blood reduces. A deep breath will maintain the oxygen level in the blood and it will help to lower down the tension.

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  • Proper sleep:

Every person requires 7-9 hours’ sleep. Lack of sleep arises many kinds of problems like not taking proper judgment, reasoning ability, or performance at work or school. Always crooked to a daily sleep schedule. Turn off your mobile phone before sleep or else kept silent mode. Avoid liquors and caffeine which disrupt sleep. Proper sleep helps us to conserve our energy and we will be more energetic if we take full sleep.

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  • Do things which keeps you happy:

As you do the regular exercise also make sure you also do the things which keep you happy for example play a video game, going to the movie, going for coffee with friends, or doing sketches. Engaging yourself in fun activities will keep your stress away. If you want to keep your life balance so you should know what kind of activity drops your stress level.

Selfish thinking | You be so selfish | very selfish | More selfish | Selfish me.
how to remain tension free or how to remain stress free or how to remain cool
  • Take the fresh air of nature:

Fresh air, bird charming, trees touching the sky all these have a calm effect on your mind and body. Fresh air has more oxygen content which helps us to reduce stress. The complete green environment has a lot of benefits other than fresh air like the smell of trees and sand, sunlight, etc. These things give us healthy vitamins and minerals which help us to reduce stress.

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  • Dance:

Dance is the best way to pull out your emotions. It also escapes the stress, and it also another kind of exercise that sweats it out. The dance we mostly do from our hearts. We just dance for ourselves to feel good. It can be just rolling but as it is from our heart so it energizes a complete body.

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  • Call a friend or mom:

Whenever you feel stressed pick up your phone and called your loved ones who divert your mind and make you feel happy and stress-free. Most of our love one say good things and listening to good things energize us. We take energy through 5 senses – vision, hear, smell, taste, and touch. This is taking energy through hearing.

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  • Watch the comedy show:

As we all know that laughter is the best remedy. So, you can watch the laughter show which also makes you feel happy and stress-free. This is again we are taking positive energy both from vision and hearing. This energy will help us to lower our stress. We can have good tasty food also that would also help in lowering stress and tension but must eat in the limit.

  • Don’t eat too much unhealthy food when you are in stress:

Many times, the worst situation arises which directly affects your mind and soul. In this situation, you forget yourselves and start eating unhealthy meals which affect your body and not giving proper rest to your mind. These consequences directly harm you greatly and maybe weaken you to deal with stress.

  • Keep away from distraction:

To lighten your lifestyle and live tension free life eliminate all the destruction. These distractions are generally a variety of tools such as mobile phones, television, and laptop. While practical existence is equally important as is the bodily one, as it is quite difficult to remove these distractions from our lives.

  • Do regular exercise and eat healthily:

Doing regular exercise keeps you happy and healthy. Regular exercise enthusiast your body and decrease the level of stress also take a healthy diet.


Isolation from society may seem to be time saving and less complicated to many of us but when we do not have a group of people with whom we can share our basic and extraordinary emotions, we are tied to a particular pole where we are too much bogged down by our problems and challenges. At any instance of our life, we have a long list of outstanding problems the solution of which seems next to impossible to us and so we are under the challenge mode.

Not having a social group to share your problems will result in you sulking all by yourself and questioning your abilities and ultimately this all will lead to a total blackout in the brain. You will not be able to see the good and positive entities in existence around you and will be accentuating the negatives. The tension that you have been awarding yourself from the beginning by completely isolating yourself is going to dampen your mental fitness to the extreme level.

It is not advised to abnormally engage in social endeavors but you have to find some people with whom you can share your ups and downs of life so that when you feel the pressure of your failures some people can make you rise like a phoenix and soar to the peaks again!

how to remain tension free or how to remain stress free or how to remain cool

The meals we eat determine the strength of our arms as well as our brains. If we are indulged in a habit of resorting to unhealthy and harmful food items, we are paving the path to being in the fortress of tension in the coming days. Junk food may offer momentary pleasure to us but in the long run, it is destined to downgrade our fitness and harm our body from thigh bones to the brain nerves.

Eating a balanced diet with limited carbs and other high-risk chemicals will not only induce strength in our body but will keep our brain healthy for the strenuous daily job that we are expected to do to earn our livelihood. There have been endless reports of health deterioration among certain groups of people because they could not resist the harmful junk food recipes and feasted on the same until their body was unable to sustain the pressure on its organs.

Our body needs a determined level of nutrition in a varied assortment so that all the organs of the body are able to perform their functions with maximum efficacy. Our brain will be in a poor condition if we don’t switch to a healthy diet plan and as you all must know, a healthy brain can absorb and sustain more pressure than the other rather unhealthy ones thus proving that a healthy diet will make sure your tension level is decreased.

How to remain tension free or how to remain stress free through Positive mindset:

If you want to learn more about a positive mindset then I do create videos on growing attitude and character and post them on youtube, these videos will help you to remain tension-free and stress-free. You can subscribe to my channel: We can discuss how to remain tension free.

I also post regularly on my Facebook page some motivational text and videos which will also help you to remain tension free and stress-free: We can discuss how to remain tension free.

how to remain tension free or how to remain stress free
how to remain tension free or how to remain stress free or how to remain cool
  • Always follow the schedule:

Always make a line to follow a direction. The schedule provides a composition and an organized way of living. If your day-to-day schedule is well framed, you can live life in a better way. You can feel that if your work was done as per the schedule you can engage yourself in other activities ex- entertainment, sports, and hobbies. Automatically you feel stress-free. Unorganized days lead to more stress because we feel that things are not moving as per our wishes. We do some unimportant things and miss some important ones. So always make a day play and stick to that to live a stress-free life.

  • Make enumeration of yourself:

It is important to note down what makes you feel happy and optimistic. These things help you to mastery in a positive manner. Also, make a chat about which work must be done and could be achieved in a day. The best suggestion would be to make an agenda where you list all the tasks, undertakings, and duties that need to be concluded. This is a great way to stay attentive and standardized and conclude all the tasks without thinking about them.

  • Tackle and face the consequences:

If you find yourself in the worst situation or some of your resolutions have been put down, you are in trouble then find out the conclusion do not panic. When you tackle your consequences, it creates a positive impact on your mind.  This makes you stronger and you handle the situation in the future in a better way.

If you want to learn this in detail then you can read how to handle disappointment.

  • Do not temporize or procrastinate:

As our elders said do not leave the work for tomorrow do it today or right now because tomorrow never comes whatever is today so do it as soon as possible.

how to remain tension free or how to remain stress free or how to remain cool
  • Stay attentive:

Stay focused and attentive should be the motto of your life. If you are attentive to your work, you can complete your work in a well-mannered way. Give 100% to your work. This concludes your task faster and well mannered.

  • Thinking about what other people say:

As we all have these kinds of irrelevant thoughts that what other people will think, what they will say in society. So, these kinds of thoughts come in when we do something, so stop thinking about them and do what you want to do, and which keeps you happy. Because there are many peoples who push you back when you do good work. So, think with your mind, not with their mind. I have one very nice story of why we must be deaf to what other people say. Stop thinking what other people say.

  • Over analyzing the situation or problem:

As it is a human tendency that they think about the future which has not yet happened. But what is the use? Deal with the situations according to the problem. We think a lot about the problems which might occur because of the current situation or problem. By over-analyzing, we just amplify the current problem and get into tension or stress. Just work on finding a solution to the current problem. To stop thinking of problems and start thinking of solutions is a characteristic of a positive individual. If you want to develop positive thinking then you can read: How to develop positive thinking.

  • Eliminate negative people:

The people who do not give you happiness are not the correct person for you so eliminate them from your life which gives you tension or stress. This type of person cannot exist in your life. If you have someone very close to you whom you cannot leave then read this article on how to handle negative people.

  • Focus on things that are in your control:

Sometimes something is not in our hands to deal with the situations, so it is better to let it go. Because in this type of situation we just put our hands in hands and creating stress which directly harms our mind and body. This type of tension is useless so it’s better to do that thing which is in your control. For example, let say someone close to you died. Now you can’t control it. So instead of thinking too much about it just focus on what can you do to help people in this situation.

ways to stop overthinking
how to remain tension free or how to remain stress free or how to remain cool
  • Comparing yourself with others:

Instead of keeping your eyes on other people and wasting your time so it’s better to utilize that time to do a good thing. Concentrate on yourself instead of others. Do not try to be like others try to create your own image or identity. This is a human tendency we always want to copy others or be jealous of others. This also creates stress. If you want to learn how to overcome jealousy then you can read an article where I have explained it in detail: How to get rid of jealousy.


There is a widespread belief in the modern human age that future planning should be given priority in an individual’s life. Well to be honest in line with being pragmatic, one can do so up to a certain time limit. If a person claims that he has his future 10 years planned in concrete words, there is no way that he can put his words under the test. How does he know exactly what will be the circumstances in the coming 10 years?

Nobody can predict the future with 100% accuracy. Now the fact that future planning is important, does not mean anyhow to put yourself under immense stress for 4 hours every day to revise your plans and recast them as the dynamics are expected to change. Future planning for the coming days and maybe even a month may be pragmatic but planning for years ahead is a perfect recipe to kill your precious time and leave you with tremendous anxiety levels. It should not be inferred that the act of planning your future is hazardous to your mental health but the overdose of it kills the peacetime of your brain and you start feeling you are constantly living under a pressure.

It has been mentally proven that thinking ahead for too long may damage your sleep time as well as the ability to do your basic tasks efficiently. An anxious mind cannot be expected to be efficient and effective constantly because the major intellectual faculties of an individual have already been invested in the concept I call “the darkroom”.

Stop overthinking | Overthinker | Overthinking meaning | Not overthinking | Ways to stop overthinking.
how to remain tension free or how to remain stress free or how to remain cool

It has been commonly seen in a society that a person will suddenly start feeling under immense pressure because “they” can achieve some feat that the person has not or has failed to achieve. Who is “they” in the above reference? The peers of the individual are referred to as “they” at the start. Peer pressure makes us think we have no accomplishments to speak about and tell ourselves that we have some success in our name.

Self-doubt reaches soaring heights and the character of the individual is thus shaped into an underconfident and underperforming person. You accept so much tension in your brain because of this peer pressure that you are unable to think about what are your strengths and capabilities. We must never resort to this act, pressure from what our peers are achieving will stop you from achieving what you are capable of achieving and thus will militate against your success.

You might learn from the examples of the most successful people in their business and profession, they profess being away from the tension of thinking what others have accomplished and you have not rather you need to learn from their success and joyfully implement the relevant steps in your life so that the next mission you choose has a higher chance of being successful and not a crash.

How to remain tension free or how to remain stress-free through growing soul:

how to remain tension free or how to remain stress free
how to remain tension free or how to remain stress free or how to remain cool
  • Meditation

Meditation is one of the best ways to keep you energetic and stay away from negativity. Whenever you feel hefty or even feel exhausted from doing work or feel annoyed by something then take a deep breath to lighten up. Be attentive to your breathing while exhale or inhale. You can realize that your mind is going blank and free from all the tension. Every day 20 minutes of meditation makes you refreshed and relaxed. Along with this it also helps to minimize unease and rigidity.

If you want to learn meditation in detail and want to be tense free then you can connect me through LinkedIn we can discuss this in detail: We can discuss how to remain tension free.

  • Live in present, not in the past:

Past is just the past it should not affect your present future. The only thing which can be done from the past is that it should not be repeated in the present or in the future. Many a time we think a lot about past failures and get in tension if we try something in present. Keep past in the past and don’t think about that. We just need to have a good learning attitude and then we will definitely perform better than in the past. If you want to develop a learning attitude then you can watch: How to enjoy learning.

  • Everything is happening as per god wish:

Once you will learn spirituality you would learn that whatever is happening is all god wishes and we cannot change it. So if everything is god wish and we cannot change it so we must not bother what is happening either positive or negative. So always remain the same even if it is negative or positive.

If you want to grow your attitude and character which would definitely help you to become tension free or stress-free then I have a very good book to suggest to you by John Maxwell “winning with people” you can buy that book at Winning with people


Tension not only sets you back in your success journey but also makes you feel vulnerable and underconfident. You are not able to pay attention to the crucial parts of your life, start to underperform in your duties, and are always under immense stress. Successful people do not accept the tension of any sort in their lives rather they extract learnings from each part of their day so that the next time they are faced with a similar situation they do not take a wrong step and that assurance of learning itself evades the fear and tension of the future.

Freeing yourself from the shackles of tension must be one of your priority tasks because it hinders the progress in your daily life to a huge extent. The modern world is facing the challenge of rising above the tension of planning the future, the mistakes of the past, and various other things. The same world has to stress on the other fact also which says tension brings in your biggest enemies with it as being named in the article earlier.

The state of being gripped under intense tension is challenging to not only one of us but all and the only way to get out of the grip is to alter the way we think about life and to start living in the present, the moment we realize the biggest duty we have (making the present the most dedicated phase of our life), we start to understand how wrong and foolish it is to be under the claws of stress and tension.

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I am sure after reading how to remain tension free or how to remain stress-free you would definitely want to read how to be confident:

If you want to be tension free then you can join me on Instagram also: We can discuss how to remain tension free.

If you want to know your natural capabilities which mean what are your strength and weaknesses then you can get you DMIT test done. If you want your DMIT test to be done then you can contact here:

Photo credit: Photo by from Pexels, Photo by Kat Jayne from Pexels, Photo by Nikolay Bondarev from Pexels, Photo by Polina Zimmerman from Pexels, Photo by Lucas Pezeta from Pexels


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